Newsletter It’s a cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps People like that think fairness is a synonym for justice
Newsletter Not to be too cliché but life can still be beautiful I wanted to show people I was still me but also show myself I was still me
Newsletter The goal is to keep you trapped here forever until they can bleed you dry I can’t excuse my behavior even if it was never a problem before
Newsletter You start to lose track of how many you’ve killed Can't think of a good subhed here gotta go
Newsletter In the water most of the differences go away We’re all submerged and you can’t really tell what all is going on underneath
Newsletter He wanted to teach me a lesson about how serious this stuff was It’s hard for me to imagine eight cops were really riled up to do that
Newsletter YouTube comments are the last sincere space online It's meant for one specific person who will likely never see it