Newsletter If giving water to someone dying of thirst is illegal what humanity is left in the law of this country
Newsletter My mom looked at me and my brother and was like 'Who are you?' If a tsunami wipes out your small village it’s a lot easier to cope with the idea that we must have pissed off god
Newsletter Pride started as a riot so I feel like I want to riot right now This harassment works because it makes you want to give up
Newsletter They weren’t boys after all they were animals When pain enters the room you have to respect it
Newsletter I was depressed and I wanted to feel more depressed so I went to Cheers The rest of the way into Boston from where my bones live
Newsletter They reached out to Navient and were told lies by Navient Number one, yes, the motivation is greed
Newsletter He wanted to get the blood flowing so to speak He watched through his scope as she dropped, clutching her stomach, and the other girls dragged her away
Newsletter My 4-year-old daughter was shot in the head and she has a bullet in her brain I’ve been waiting on this opportunity for a lifetime really
Newsletter He wanted to get the blood flowing so to speak He watched through his scope as she dropped, clutching her stomach, and the other girls dragged her away