Newsletter I have seen all the things that are done under the sun all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind
Paid-members only Newsletter America decided the death of children was bearable before America became America
Newsletter Heads gonna roll baby You need to continue to make the lack of scientific certainty a primary issue in the debate
Newsletter Maybe Pelosi watches Rocky or Friday Night Lights or whatever and then at the end when they lose she says See?
Newsletter Maybe Pelosi watches Rocky or Friday Night Lights or whatever and then at the end when they lose she says See? I'm gonna kick tomorrow
Newsletter Why freelance writers are a fucking pain in the ass with broken brains Here is how it goes: The writer, at long last, has an idea for a new story. These are not easy to come by! Long before they can pitch that story they have to figure out what and where the information they will require to complete the story is, and
Newsletter Memorials are not for the dead they are for the living We probably could have saved ourselves but we were too damned lazy to try very hard
Newsletter The president is a racist piece of shit Does it make you feel better to hear it said plainly
Newsletter All night long they’re saying immigrants are coming to replace you Whether he actually believes it or not I’m just going to assume that he does
Newsletter Anytime Alaskans are coming together with a common cause I think it’s a great day An interview with Portugal. The Man's John Gourley
Newsletter It’s like living in a still life painting; that’s not living, it is existing Having been denied the opportunity to use carrots they began to use sticks
Newsletter It’s like living in a still life painting; that’s not living, it is existing Having been denied the opportunity to use carrots they began to use sticks
Newsletter If you ever took a deep breath you would choke Most of the dirt was shipped out on two trains
Newsletter Memory is, achingly, the only relation we can have with the dead How do we get vengeance on ourselves?
Newsletter Keep Kirstjen Nielsen unemployed and eating Grubhub over her kitchen sink Please enjoy my brand new never before seen essay thank you. Pre-order my book here if you like. One of the biggest regrets of my life is not pissing in Bill Kristol’s salmon. I was waiting on the disgraced neoconservative pundit and chief Iraq War cheerleader about ten years
Newsletter This is ridiculous. This is about a hot dog The Nationals want you to explain what happened, send them an apology, and delete the tweet
Newsletter If giving water to someone dying of thirst is illegal what humanity is left in the law of this country