Newsletter The Best of Hell World 2019 Part One lol The idea today was to do a Best of Hell World 2019 post where I would go through and pick out like ten or twenty of my favorite pieces from the past year and then the fucking thing started to get so long I thought uh I better cut this
Newsletter I was rigid in the chair crying from both fear and shame It was so bad I would sit on a cold winter basement floor in pain swigging whiskey to dull the pain like I was a cowboy
Newsletter A lot of us are constantly teetering on the brink of some deep, deep unhappiness Nobody is going to cover it and it is a human injustice
Newsletter As if they are men and not just souls on crutches of bone It was a parallel reality, an insanely beautiful freedom. It still is
Newsletter The benefit of the doubt should go to the guys pulling the trigger Like the type of sound you’d hear to alert you that a snake is pissed off at you
Newsletter If you don’t think you can keep your feelings in check then I invite you to leave at this time
Newsletter If you don’t think you can keep your feelings in check then I invite you to leave at this time
Newsletter It’s this giant amalgamation of every problem in America There is a part of the city that is completely neglected and it seems like it was done so purposefully