Newsletter Even though we didn’t live near the ocean anymore A punishment we’re all suffering through
Newsletter The United States is a complete outlier in lacking all forms of paid sick leave There's a pretty good chance somebody handling your food is sick
Newsletter What cause is now served by her death besides revenge Every facet of our death penalty system is completely arbitrary, random, and capricious
Newsletter Since the election extremism has been growing at an alarming rate What we saw yesterday was the natural conclusion of that
Newsletter The Best of Hell World 2020 And I felt this dark ink creeping through my veins and I felt my chest getting heavy
Newsletter Trump is over if you want it An all-star panel of guests remembers the funniest, goofiest, and most downright evil moments of the Trump administration
Newsletter We Must SUPPORT our Boys in Blue Sometimes I worry that immersing myself in this content on a regular basis has made me a more ghoulish and unpleasant person to be around
Newsletter They grow hopeless from the misery of their present existence and give up Because some have everything others nothing
Newsletter It’s like if your house had been torn up from the ground How many of these people have absolutely nothing
Newsletter I saw a lot of people die that I feel like shouldn’t have died Two people can keep each other sane