Content with the plenty that they have I guess this is what he meant by being forced to watch your foes enjoy ceaseless feasts of schadenfreude. Under authoritarianism you still get to walk around right? Go to the store. Say hey man how's it going. Doff your cap. All that. They have TV and food
Help that isn't coming It's not like we haven't known for a long time that there was no such thing as a real opposition party in this country but it is nonetheless still kind of jarring to see the fact made plain. Again. "I have great respect, by the
Paid-members only I'm genuinely reluctant to travel there now Today Mel Buer writes about lessons learned over the years working in the restaurant industry and how those can apply to fostering a general sense of solidarity among workers everywhere. It's a great piece and also kind of gave me PTSD. Working in restaurants for so many years
Lessons in Solidarity from the Service Industry Today Mel Buer writes about lessons learned over the years working in the restaurant industry and how those can apply to fostering a general sense of solidarity among workers everywhere. It's a great piece and also kind of gave me PTSD. Working in restaurants for so many years
Paid-members only Believing you will receive I was sitting on the porch in the dark with a friend who had stopped by to tell me he was getting a divorce. No no no he didn’t want to come inside and disturb the kids he said. Out here is fine he said. I brought out a
Paid-members only The nightmares haven't stopped Today's main thing is a lovely remembrance of the life and music of Garth Hudson of The Band and in particular The Last Waltz by Rax King. Paid subscribers can read it down below or go directly to it here. Everything they gave us before they leftOn Garth
You can’t take it with you This piece appears in my book A Creature Wanting Form. I awoke early enough for the first time in recent memory to see the last of the sunrise spilling out over the roof of the house next door in its twee little pink mist and I thought to myself sure
Paid-members only The city has never felt smaller There is a very small chance that you will be robbed or assaulted today by a random criminal. There is a near 100% chance you will be robbed or harmed today by a landlord or corporation or healthcare company or even the government. Today Joey Scott writes about what it
Paid-members only Whatever safer targets are available Today Arvind Dilawar talks to someone in the West Bank about what life is like there now. “When you lay in your bed at night and you hear the planes and you know exactly a few minutes later someone will be killed…you don’t know what to do with
Paid-members only We live in a kind of mass depression The ongoing Israeli genocide compares to nothing in the history of Palestine.
Paid-members only I'd like to go home now Squid Game, AI, A Long December, treadmills, and future historians
Paid-members only A relentless pursuit of profit Why are reviews of Squid Game season two overlooking capitalism?